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I believe that, if not all, for sure some information published by me here has a value. The value that could be beneficial for any poweriser user around the world, even if the benefits might not be really big, perhaps they will help you or somebody else just a little bit and that bit might have big impact. Even details count :)
Big dream it to put jumping stilts ( kangaroo's legs © ) back on the word's map of sports (not extreme sports, just sports) where they belong in my opinion.
It's very easy. Here you go a couple of solutions:
Use the features of your browswer i.e. Chrome has the plugin that allows to translate whole websited with a single click.
Follow the below listed instruction:
The instruction:
In your browser, go to Google Translate.
At the top, click Websites.
We recommend setting the original language to “Detect language.”
In the “Website,” enter a URL.
Click Go .
Source of above instruction is Support Google
Enjoy and if you have any other idea of how to make this website more accessable for more people, please use contact section and let me know. Thank you.